Why People Are Losing Touch with Reality and Living in Fiction

In today's fast-paced digital world, it's becoming increasingly common for people to disconnect from reality and retreat into fictional worlds. Whether through video games, social media, or binge-watching TV shows, many find comfort in immersing themselves in alternate realities rather than confronting the complexities of real life. While escaping into fiction can provide a temporary refuge, the growing trend of people losing touch with reality raises important questions: Why is this happening, and what are the consequences?

1. Escapism in a Stressful World

Modern life is filled with stressors. From financial pressures and job insecurity to political turmoil and social unrest, people face challenges that can feel overwhelming. Escaping into a fictional world—whether through movies, video games, or fantasy novels—offers a reprieve from these stressors. It's no surprise that during difficult times, people turn to these outlets for comfort. In these fictional universes, problems are often solvable, the stakes are clear, and the outcomes can be satisfying, providing a sense of control and predictability that real life often lacks. For many, it’s not about ignoring reality altogether but finding a temporary retreat to recharge mentally.

2. The Rise of Immersive Technology

One of the major reasons people are losing touch with reality is the rise of immersive technologies. Virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), and video games with lifelike graphics create compelling, alternate worlds where users can become anyone and do anything. VR, in particular, has taken escapism to new heights by allowing individuals to "step into" entirely different worlds, blurring the lines between the real and the imaginary.  Social media platforms also contribute to this phenomenon. Platforms like Instagram and TikTok often present highly curated, filtered versions of life, making it easy for users to lose sight of what’s real. The pursuit of “likes” and “follows” can create a reality where self-worth is measured by online engagement rather than real-world connections.

3. Fiction as a Coping Mechanism

Fictional worlds can also serve as a powerful coping mechanism for those struggling with mental health issues like anxiety, depression, or trauma. Living in a difficult reality can be emotionally exhausting, and fictional escapes provide a way to manage or numb the emotional pain. It’s easier to focus on the problems of a character in a TV series or a game than to deal with one’s own challenges. For instance, fan communities and fictional universes—such as the Harry Potter fandom, comic book superheroes, or expansive fantasy realms like The Witcher or Game of Thrones—allow people to bond over shared interests, offering a sense of belonging and connection they might not find in their everyday lives. In some cases, people identify so strongly with these characters or worlds that they start to integrate them into their own sense of self.

4. The Seduction of the Perfect Narrative

Real life is messy, unpredictable, and often lacks resolution. Fiction, on the other hand, offers neatly structured narratives, complete with satisfying character arcs, moral lessons, and conclusions. These narratives can be more appealing than the ambiguities and uncertainties of the real world. People can also mold fictional experiences to fit their desires. In video games, you can replay a level until you achieve victory, unlike in life, where mistakes can have lasting consequences. This control over the narrative is deeply satisfying, offering a kind of “do-over” mentality that reality rarely affords.

5. The Consequences of Disconnection

While retreating into fiction can provide temporary relief, over-reliance on these escapes comes with risks. Prolonged disconnection from reality can lead to isolation, making it difficult for individuals to engage with real-world responsibilities, relationships, and personal growth. A growing body of research suggests that too much time in virtual or fictional worlds can negatively impact mental health. It can lead to a sense of emptiness, alienation, or dissatisfaction with life because the highs of fictional escapes rarely match the complex but deeply fulfilling aspects of real-world achievements and connections. Furthermore, constant exposure to idealized versions of life through media can distort one’s expectations of reality. Social media influencers, fictional heroes, and even video game characters present a level of perfection that doesn’t exist in real life, leading to a feeling of inadequacy when people compare themselves to these unattainable standards.

6. Bridging the Gap Between Fiction and Reality

The solution isn’t to abandon fiction or entertainment altogether—these things can be healthy, enjoyable, and even educational in moderation. Instead, it’s about finding balance. People should be encouraged to reconnect with the real world by engaging in activities that foster genuine connections and personal growth. 

  • Mindful Consumption: Being aware of how much time is spent in fictional worlds is the first step. Setting limits on screen time, social media use, and gaming can help ensure that fiction remains a complement to life, not a replacement. 
  • Building Real-World Relationships: Cultivating meaningful relationships in the real world is crucial to counteracting feelings of isolation. Participating in social activities, engaging with community projects, or simply spending quality time with friends and family can restore a sense of reality and fulfillment. 
  • Personal Development: Instead of only seeking satisfaction through fictional narratives, individuals can focus on personal goals that offer a sense of achievement in real life. Pursuing hobbies, learning new skills, or tackling real-world challenges can provide the same sense of accomplishment that fictional worlds often deliver.

 Finding Balance Between Fiction and Reality

In an increasingly digital world, it’s easier than ever to slip into fictional realities and lose touch with what’s happening around us. While fiction can offer valuable lessons, emotional support, and entertainment, it’s important to maintain a balance between these escapes and the real world. Ultimately, life—no matter how imperfect or uncertain—offers deeper, more meaningful connections, growth, and experiences than any fictional universe ever could. The key is to find a healthy equilibrium that allows us to enjoy fiction without losing sight of the beauty and challenges of real life.